Monday, June 17, 2013

109 days and hanging out in the deep end of it all!

“Your body will argue that there is no justifiable reason to continue. Your only recourse is to call on your spirit, which fortunately functions independently of logic.” 
Tim Noakes

Pulling up to the pool today I saw a few more extra cars than usual, I have to admit swimming in a crowd is no fun and at this point meeting new crazy triathlete’s is a small bit scary.

We all know by now I am the only disabled athlete in this club so I practice with the big guns when it comes to swimming, and remind myself that I am in a different league all together J!

Today was or seemed to be one of the harder days in the pool and just felt I could not keep up. Here is the thing, I keep telling myself I don’t have to keep up but in the back of my mind I still try, so after about 1.6km Luke (swimming coach) says that’s it for today, and then says to me “I love swimmers like you, you don’t complain you just dive in and swim what I tell you even though I have thrown you into the deep end in this group”

So my first real week of training past last week, and as of today its 109 days till the first triathlon I get to compete in, and ahead for the next 109 days is some serious hard work.
My schedule has slightly changed.....up at 4h30am in bed by 8h30pm. On some days we have two training sessions, ie swim or run, swim or gym and bicycle.

Till next time or let’s say till tomorrow!

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